A Doctoral Candidate (DC) will be recruited to perform research in natural products within the framework of the DN Action Grant Agreement nr. GA101072485, MAtching Genes with MOLecules for FUNctional Analysis – MAGic-Molfun (HORIZON-MSCA- 2021-DN-01).
Natural products play crucial roles by providing drugs to treat diseases in humans and animals (e.g., antibiotics, anticancer agents, immunosuppressants), to increase crop yields (e.g., herbicides, insecticides, fungicides, etc.) or as food preservatives (e.g., nisin).
MAGic-MOLFUN aims to transform natural product research by combinIng wet-lab and computational skills to integrate genome mining and metabolomics with cutting- edge pathway discovery- and engineering approaches. The DCs will contribute to the cutting-edge development of novel computational tools to mine and integrate genomic and metabolomic datasets. MAGic-MOLFUN comes as a collaboration between academia and industry and will guide researchers to use innovative approaches to achieve their scientific goals. DCs will be equipped with complementary skills deemed important for research team leaders, will have an individual profile according to their own career dreams and will be capable of life- long self-directed learning. Each DC will work closely together with 11 other DCs in the MAGic-MOLFUN network.
The selected candidate will be employed for three years at NAICONS Srl (Milan, Italy; www.naicons.com), where he/she will perform most of the research work aimed at developing and applying novel tools to identify bioactive molecules produced by NAICONS’ large collection of microbial strains. He/she is expected to perform part of the research work at secondment institutions and to register for a PhD programme at the University of Tuebingen, DE.
Eligibility criteria: Master degree (M.Sc. or equivalent in chemical or biological sciences). Applicants must not have been awarded a PhD degree and must be in the first four years (full-time equivalent) of their research careers prior to the recruitment. They must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in Italy for more than 12 months in the 3 years immediately prior to the recruitment. The communication and teaching language throughout MAGic- MOLFUN is English, so proof of English proficiency is required.
Additional requirements: A strong background in chemistry, biochemistry and microbiology, with a strong interest in applied research. Previous research experience with natural products, actinomycetes and/or bioinformatics will be a plus.
Benefits: Salary and additional benefits are according to EU-standards for Marie Curie DCs. Employment contract will be according to Italian labor laws.
Application: To apply, please send the following documents to: magicmolfun@naicons.com
• Personal statement/motivation letter (up to 2 pages) about applicant’s experience
and interests [Provide also authorization to handle personal data according to EU
General Data Protection Regulation.]
• A complete CV (personal details, academic/education history, research experience, experimental skills, publications etc.)
• Proficiency of English language skills corresponding to at least level B2 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages
• Official list of grades obtained during the applicant’s bachelor and master studies
• Names and contact information of at least two qualified references EURAXESS Job Offer: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/39316
New Application deadline: February 28, 2023
Planned start date: May-June 2023